Endorsements “Justice 3D capitalizes on decades of experience in special victims cases and features a dynamic team of professional trainers and consultants. But Justice 3D really stands out because of its dedication to the state-of-the art where the investigation and prosecution of sexual assault, intimate partner violence and child abuse are concerned. Justice 3D trainings provide criminal justice professionals with the very latest techniques in trauma-informed interviewing, empathy-based interrogation, and a victim-centered approach.” — Sgt. Joanne ArchambaultRetired, San Diego Police Department, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, End Violence Against Women, Int'l. “Justice 3D has created a team of trainers and quality trainings that stand out in this field. The timing for such a group could not be better as Criminal Justice professionals across the nation struggle at times to investigate and successfully prosecute sexual assault, domestic violence, child and elder abuse, and interpersonal crimes that occur on our college and university campuses. The combination of real life experiences of Police Chief Mike Milnor and Prosecutors Nancy Oglesby and Roger Canaff now provide training opportunities across the nation that address these challenging cases and offer strategies and techniques that can be applied immediately by detectives and prosecutors. Their presentations skills, plus the informative workshop formats that Justice 3D employs adds to the overall learning environment and are unique to their extensive backgrounds and success in the field. They present based on real life experiences and up to date current approaches in the field of sexual assault, domestic violence and gender-biased crime. As a public safety official for 38 years, I would say these are the areas that still need our focus and attention as law enforcement and prosecutors continue to address our own cultural bias as well as that of society in general. Justice 3D’s approach to the topic of non-stranger sexual assault cases is a great example of how to address this. I highly recommend trainings offered by Justice 3D.” — Jerald MonahanChief of Police for Yavapai College, Prescott Arizona Past Chairperson of the Arizona Governor’s Commission to Prevent Violence Against Women Current President of the Board of Directors, End Violence Against Women International “One of the best trainings I have attended during three decades of law enforcement work.” “Roger is truly a dynamic and informative trainer. His passion is evident.” “I feel more prepared to investigate sexual assault cases now, especially when dealing with victims. This training should be required for all law enforcement.” “This is an OUTSTANDING training on an extremely difficult topic. The instructors were exceptional and provided an outstanding learning experience.” “I am energized as a result of the training and the information I have received and feel that I will be more effective in my job.” “This is a very informative program. I have always been intimidated by sexual assault cases, and in the past have looked for ways to avoid prosecuting them, even thought I didn’t realize that was what I was doing at the time. I now feel much better prepared to aggressively prosecute these cases and am so glad to know the proper responses to all defenses that come up in these cases.” “The fact that the program is victim centered was especially helpful. It helps those of us who have lost a little focus to get re-centered and re-energized.” “I will take what I have learned back and share it to improve victim services and investigations in my agency.” “Mike Milnor gave a great perspective from career law enforcement.” “Fantastic course! All the presenters were clear, knowledgeable and well spoken.” “I will be making changes in policies and our procedures after this course. We were provided with great resources (such as Themes from Mike Milnor, etc.)” “As someone who has been in full time legal practice with a prosecutor’s office for less than a year, I found this track tremendously valuable. Special props to Nancy Oglesby, her domestic violence workshop was superb.” “As always, Nancy Oglesby did a great job teaching. I find her teaching style to be very easy to follow and she has so much experience in the sexual assault field that she always has a great deal of knowledge to pass along.” “Excellent speaker and material covered very well. I work with uncooperative victims so very relevant. Enjoyed this session.” “These 2 speakers were great together and presented in a dynamic, attention keeping manner.” “Great information to use that is completely different from my past training. Never considered interrogation from this perspective. This should be shared with LEO as early as possible, preferably in all academies.”